2024/2025 Skating Time Schedule

Skating times as follows: *Skaters may not enter the ice until a member or the board or a coach is present and given the go ahead. Please see holiday list and non skating dates below.

2024/25 Season Start Times & Dates

PreCan starts Monday October 28th

Canskate starts Monday Oct 21 – Mondays only OR Mondays and Wednesdays

Canskate Wednesday only starts Wednesday October 23rd

Future stars start Monday Oct. 21 6pm – 6:45pm

Starskate 2+ starts Wednesday October 16th 6:30pm – 7:20pm

PA Training Wednesday October 16th 5:15pm – 6:30pm


Precanskate (Ages 3&4) 5:30pm – 6:00pm

Canskate 5:15pm-6:00pm

Future Starskate 6:00pm – 6:45pm

Starskate 6:00pm-7:50pm


Canskate 5:15pm-6:00pm

Future Starskate 6:00pm – 6:45pm

Starskate 6:00pm-7:20pm


Starskate 5pm-7:20pm

Important information

Parents, please read all information provided in the registration form, rules, release forms etc.

Our Website and Facebook page will be updated with competition, holiday and weather related cancellations. Please provide your email to get last minute updates as well.

Holidays and Non skating dates

Monday October 14th – no skating – Happy Thanksgiving

December 23rd – January 3rd No Skating – Merry Christmas – back to regular sessions starting January 6th, 2025. *Star skaters please check in with Coach Lisa about skating dates over the holidays.

Monday February 17th – no skating – Happy Family Day

March 10-14th – no skating – Enjoy March Break

March 24th, 26th and 28th will be our last day for skating for the 2024/2025 skating season.